Workhouse Arts Center

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W-7: "Electroforming" by Tracey Howard

“For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with glass. Perhaps it was because of the years my parents took me to see many European castles and cathedrals. From simple beads to beautiful stained-glass windows, I take every opportunity to stop, look, and collect. Finally taking a stained-glass class, I moved forward with great enthusiasm into the world of working with cold and warm glass. As a flameworker, I am drawn to the immediacy of melting a simple glass rod and it becomes a piece of wearable art. Jewelry is a form of adornment, an expression of our feelings, likes and dislikes. Each piece I create, I hope it will make the wearer smile and they will enjoy glass as much as possible.”

The exhibit will be an explanation on the process called Electroforming. Electroforming is the process of building up a layer of copper on the surface of glass. It will have descriptions and examples of the equipment needed for the process and will showcase the results on some glass objects.

Show dates: January 1 - 31.

Reception: January 13, 6 pm - 9 pm