Christy A. Boltersdorf

Building 8, Studio 814

neverlost_pottery |

Medium: Ceramics


Background: Christy’s background in art took hold in Naples, Italy where she participated in archeological digs in Pompeii, helping recover ancient artifacts. This, as well as teaming with ceramicists at the Capodimonte factory in Naples, fueled her passion for painting and ceramics. In 2002 she returned to the United States and joined the Workhouse Arts Center 7 years later where she continues to develop her creative style in ceramics as a resident artist and instructor. 

Influences: Christy is influenced by functional and sculptural ceramics of ancient Rome and Mesopotamia. She is inspired by the beautiful art and decorative forms of these works.


Christy’s philosophy is that the art we make is often an extension of who we are. It’s a chance to share a part of ourselves through visual form. Art seeks out a personal conversation between artist and viewer where words fail.  It allows for translation of meaning and exploration of thought.