Parallel Play
Group Show, Muse Gallery, W-16 1st Floor
On View: September 30 - November 12, 2023
Reception: October 28, 4 pm - 6 pm
The Workhouse Arts Center is proud to present Parallel Play, a group exhibition featuring artwork by Julie Kinu Egresitz, Kyujin Lee, and Nami Oshiro. While each artist favors a different medium, their works explore interaction with others through play, as well as the various forms games and play take throughout life, including imaginary and schoolyard games from childhood, as well as the visual experiences of tabletop and video games. Egresitz, Lee, and Oshiro create figurative scenes that allude to competition and teamwork, while also evoking a sense of uncertainty, a fundamental element in any game to keep players and viewers alike engaged.

Schoolyard Games
by Julie Egresitz
Over and Under
by Kyujin Lee

Platforming to Victory
by Nami oshiro
For more information about exhibits and a complete list of works, contact Sarah Berry at sarahberry@workhousearts.org