Winn Jones

Building 7, Studio 710


Medium: Hot Glass – torch worked & kiln formed


Winn’s varied career covers communication engineering, retail sales, NKBA kitchen & bath design. She has studied under diverse glass artists: Emilio Santini, Milan Townsend, Michael Higgins, Kate Fowle, Roger Paramore, Barry Laffler , Rhonda Gilbert, to name a few.


Winn’s desire to create art came late in life, awakened during a stay in Puerto Rico. She was impacted by the bright sunlight and intense colors of the flowers, animals and people.


Glass ,as a medium, has a life of it’s own. Blowing glass at her torch opened up a playful world of whimsical creatures, flowers, and people. The goal of her whimsies is to make people smile and feel good.

Interesting Fact:

Winn is a train engineer for the Fairfax County Park Authority.